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Showing 1-9 of 18 results

25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Best Practices For Ani mated Indica tors

Sarah Ahenma

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Team Development Is Amazing

Kyle Cassidy

How many times have we been lulled into complacency over getting a project or a product done but not ly ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Output vs. Outcomes

Kyle Cassidy

How many times have we been lulled into complacency over getting a project or a product done but not ly ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Tech Industry Gets Political

Kyle Cassidy

In the last decade or so, the tech industry has become increasingly political, which is different from being ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Adaptive Intelligent Applications

Kyle Cassidy

At OpenWorld, Oracle jumped into the AI and machine learning space for its CX products, aka CRM and other ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Customer Service Takes a Turn

Kyle Cassidy

It's widely understood that new customer service channels such as social, email, knowledge bases and the like ...

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25 Feb 2017 Card image cap
Fact-Checking Social Content

Kyle Cassidy

There's an argument that it's not Facebook's job to fact-check the growing flood of fake news coming at ...

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